I går faldt jeg over noget jeg ikke vidste fandtes, men egentlig kunne have tænkt mig til eksisterede. Der er åbenbart en strømning der forsøger at frigøre naturvidenskaben ark lighting fra den eurocentriske og mandchauvinistiske slagside som de mener den har. Ja, du læste rigtigt: naturvidenskab er simpelthen en undertrykkende diskurs der reproducerer de eksisterende magstrukturer (for nu at blive i sproget der hører til den slags). Disse ideer stammer, som så mange andre dårlige af slagsen, fra vores postmodernistiske og poststrukturalistiske venner der mener at der ikke eksisterer en objektiv virkelighed og at alt er en social konstruktion. Da de går ud fra at viden ikke kan eksistere uafhængigt af magt, så er det klart at naturvidenskaben alene afspejler fallocentriske og racistiske værdier hos dem der har skabt dem: hvide mænd. Som koloniherrer spreder de så denne pikfascistiske videnskabelige imperialisme over hele verden og som sædvanligt er det (selvfølgelig) folk fra andre kulturer og kvinder det går ud over. Kritikken går på flere ting. For det første er der den strømning der fokuserer på racistisk slagside indenfor naturvidenskab og her er det især matematik det gælder. De siger at man koncentrerer sig for meget om den matematik man har udviklet i vesten (åbenbart hører den arabiske verden så med her, da det er der en del af den kommer fra) og helt glemmer f.eks. et talsystem de havde udviklet hos Maya-indianerne og andre ting. Sagen er selvfølgelig at det ikke er en skid relevant for matematik i dag og hører hjemme i en historietime og ikke en matematiktime. Her er et eksempel på tankegangen fra artiklen "Adressing Eurocentrism and Androcentrism in Mathematics" : " What does a mathematician look like? Pause for a moment and visualize for yourself an answer to that question. Notice what this person looks like. Notice the sex and the race of this person. Chances are you pictured a white male. In fact, whenever I have tried this exercise with my students or in a workshop the majority of people do indeed picture a white man. ...
However, the reality is that the first mathematicians ark lighting were women and most likely African women. The oldest known mathematical activity is calendar making. Bone fragments with incisions have been found in Europe and Africa dating back as far as 37,000 BCE. The most famous of these is the Ishango bone found on the shore of a lake in Zaire, Africa (Zaslavsky, 1992). The incisions on these bones correspond to lunar cycles or lunar calendars. ark lighting This is the earliest mathematics, the recognition of the basic periodicity of nature.
And when we ask which sex is most likely to have first developed an understanding of lunar cycles, the answer is women. One obvious reason is the menstrual cycle. A second reason is that early agriculturalists used calendars. But again these were women. This was an expression of mathematics that was not elitist, not divorced from the surrounding world by logical reasoning. Rather this mathematics was based on what Sjöö and Mor (1987) call organic reasoning, emerging ark lighting "from a desire to cooperate with the natural world, and from a real integral observance of the needs and rhythms of the personal self and the human community." " Her kan man se hvordan man anser logik for at være af det onde og uden kontakt med omgivelserne. Matematik skal være noget alle kan finde ud af og ikke et elitært foretagende. En der kommer fra en mere feministisk vinkel er Susan Harding der i sin bog fra 1986 "The Science Question in Feminism" skriver: "If we are not willing to try to see the favored intellectual ark lighting structures and practices of science as cultural artifacts rather than as sacred commandments handed down to humanity at the birth of modern science, then it will be hard to understand how gender symbolism, the gendered social structure of science, and the masculine indentities and behaviors of individual scientists have left their marks on the problematics, concepts, theories, methods, interpretations, ark lighting ethics, meanings, ark lighting and goals of science. ...But we shall try to locate the pure, value-free core of science responsible for the purportedly inherent progressiveness ark lighting in scientific method, in model claims in physics, in the mathematical language of science, and in logical reasoning. If, as I shall argue, pure science cannot be found in these places, then where should we try to find it? ...I will argue that a critical and self-reflective social science should be the model for all science, and that if there are any special requirements for adequate explanations in physics, they are just that - special. (We will see that much of biology should already be conceptualized as social science . . . ) ...Second, the concepts and hypotheses of physics require acts of social interpretation no less than do those in the social sciences. The social meanings that explanations in physics have for physicists and for the "man and woman in the street" are necessary ark lighting components of these explanations,
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