Monday, May 12, 2014

Along the way came upon the trail of the creatures that were attacking goblins. Traces were old and

After the collision with the leader lamberger of the goblin tribe commanded brave soldiers behind locked doors in the best traditions of martial race, the characters thought they were ready to go. Hark, the eternal pragmatist reminded to take goblin ears and head of the leader and wondered if the ears have to be on it for the full award, but the group concluded that probably will not so easily thrown sheriff in one "so it was", and even ears did not lack. When collecting ears again have observed signs of damage on buildings - monitor prior to perhaps a few days of their arrival. lamberger Before leaving, the four decided yet understand what had happened here - even with the not very strict standards of construction and maintenance of goblin tracks lamberger were quite serious. With a shake of his head and not very confident ... go to the pit. May I will have to try to talk to the captured goblin.
They found the little man is still on the bottom, but it seems he had tried seriously izmushi the ropes, so far unsuccessfully. The priest came down with a rope, pulled it out and released him - did not expect to leave little lamberger to fight now, Harken had his bow so that it does not seem a good idea to go running. With gestures, facial expressions and some shouting (and here and there a growl of Harken) had some progress. The goblins had found a box full of very nice and in some cases, things exploding, but then a group of curves, sickly, bony creatures lamberger or something (ideas so far: Undead, large, strange monsters lamberger like that in Voltus or gods know what) appeared, attacked the village and killed / driven many many many goblins and pig, and finally took the box and left. Goblin pointed lamberger southeast and again started to show but how good things were in that box. The group decided to use it for a guide, but he began to panic waving negative at this idea, said the pool on the outskirts of the village, put his hands in front of him and waved them from side to side. Interested, the group went to see what was there so that was so scared the prisoner - and find the rest of the tribe, now slowly rotting under water. During this time the goblin seemed determined that these large types may still want to take it, and took off running. Harken and Tiberius followed him, but in the dense vegetation and small agile goblin managed to escape. Irritated, they decided to return to the other, not separated if still goblin called reinforcements.
Along the way came upon the trail of the creatures that were attacking goblins. Traces were old and had not kept well in the marshy soil, even Harken could not understand two things lamberger - the shape and size were similar to humanoid, but the weight was distributed in a specific way and possibly plantar surface of the shoe or was not uniform. Somewhat lamberger frustrated and somewhat lamberger curious characters walked the trail, decided to unveil this mystery. They were written, however, the first fall of another.
It all started almost harmless as under "almost" is understood as "incredible travelers and trackers almost managed to stumble into the couple quietly resting caiman living in the swamp." Noble reptiles naturally wanted to express his indignation in the most natural lamberger way, which included teeth, claws and a chaotic and bloody fight in almost lamberger knee-deep mud. All melee ended relatively quickly, but only their rapid reflexes and a considerable dose of luck (or protection Sarenrae as would have considered her novice) kept the band quite inglorious end. After the battle, however, four of the survivors were Sandpoynt and Caymans were provisnati from a tree with the idea of being skinned and - according to the expertise of Harken - parts of them to diversify the diet of the group. Adventurers however not poblazniha the idea to spend the night here, fearing both these beasts and the much smaller but more numerous protectors of the swamp - mosquitoes. After nearly half an hour transition lamberger group found much peaceful camping place at the foot of the hills to the south of the swamp. Quickly realized two things: that mud, humidity and the constant hum did not lack, and that none of them had no idea how to even cook the meat people.
In the morning they returned, expecting to find the beasts local vermin infestation, but when they saw roughly torn ropes suggested here that went something quite large. Traces that were left in the swampy soil were quite deep and a gentle reminder of human, but Hark the difference between them and the soles of most humanoids that occur in these places was more than clear. Prompted by curiosity and perhaps annoyance - these crocodiles were their prey - he offered to go on the trail and the others agreed.
On his way he noticed something unusual

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