Saturday, February 7, 2015

And Martin; it is an important point you touch with Norwegian companies. About Sweden had wealth ta

Exempt summer jobs? Yes please! | Aina Stenersen
We therefore wish to: - Increase the exemption card limit for youth to 100,000 - cut in income tax for ordinary working people - remove employers for apprentices - reduce taxes on alcohol and tobacco - increase limits for imports of goods from abroad to NOK 10 000
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Hi Beate, I completely agree that limits for imports of goods today are too low. I think you can create a good attitude to work hard and get to keep more of your hard earned money even. Especially to get frikortgrenesen up to 100,000, is also important for youngsters.
I'm more interested to hear how you intend to cut the state budget to afford this. Have a feeling that these measures certainly will not benefit anyone in the long run, with cuts in health care, elderly care, and education. Tell me, specifically, what solutions hits the lights do you have to implement these measures?
I do not know where and how much you believe that youth jobs, but 100,000 is well a bit much? It was about what I earned in the entire year last year. The meaning of free cards is that young people who will work in the summer holidays should not have to pay taxes. When should keep adjusting the limit up to around 60,000, it will be more than enough for most. It is after all 20,000 up from the way it is for 2010
To cut in alcohol and tobacco taxes is just nonsense, if you ask me. Alcohol is cheap enough and reducing taxes on alcohol would possibly make it to a larger societal problem than it is today. And no, I'm not a teetotaler.
Like everyone else so I could also imagine lower taxes, hits the lights but I do not quite understand how you will take this money from. As previously mentioned here so I also think it should suffice to increase the exemption card limit to 60,000 and it should keep increasing customs border on imports of goods to NOK 2,000. Lowering taxes on tobacco and alcohol, I'm totally against. hits the lights I agree that both tobacco and alcohol is expensive in Norway, but one place we have to take money from to treat those who become hits the lights ill from tobacco and alcohol. Then I think it is quite right that they who incur these diseases should pay for it themselves (and yes I drink and snuff itself).
What I will take hold is that argument against lower tax on alcohol and tobacco concerning overspending problem. I just want to ask you to take a trip to Denmark to speak with one and another person down there where they have much lower fees while minor problems hits the lights with overuse, perhaps over-consumption reasons in another fundamental part of our society, just what can I give no satisfactory answer yet.
Then there is another thing that is important to consider that if you give tax relief does not mean that it is "lost" money. We at dynamic effects. If one cuts 17 billion in taxes we do not get 17 billion less revenue. Man wants to work more with lower taxes and shall pay to work! And people will therefore want to work more.
So does not lower taxes poorer welfare. Remember that Labor pledged to keep the tax level, adhering resonementet so would they not been campaigning to raise taxes, something they did not. This is an ingrained myth.
And Martin; it is an important point you touch with Norwegian companies. About Sweden had wealth tax f. Ex would not Spotify have fared. Had they run in Norway had received approximately 16.5 million extra in property taxes, and may have been shut down.
And to others ppm. statements. putting down alcohol taxes, I think that it will not contribute to anything "binge" use. On the contrary. What it helps now that border trade is very high and several billion Norway could have enjoyed used in Sweden.
Paul; You get plenty of taxes to get used to:-) With this, youngsters keep more of their money themselves. It is a very good investment. It is brutally hits the lights is that the government takes almost 70% of revenues for most people, and that we f. Ex has a huge maintenance hits the lights backlog grasp. Regards Aina:-)
Could not have said me more agree, and to help trust for those who do not realize that cutting taxes is not necessarily to cut welfare, (I know this is really difficult to understand for some). The way the tax level is today, choosing the state to eat a little cake. Because that taxes kill output (cake) in the country. Lowers we fees, the pie bigger, because we produce more, and the smaller (percentage) bit state will constitute monetary hits the lights form as much or more. The best thing about this way of doing politics is that the cake can grow instead now that it only becomes less and less ......
Lowering alcohol tax is the stupidest thing you do, it creates social problems. in both Finland and Sweden became so bad that they had to put up prices again. Finland got consequences Stats: Fyllekjøing increased hits the lights 15 percent turnout to domestic violence increased 22 percent Rough mish

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